MN HSM 01 R6 MN Health and Safety Manual

MN HSM 01 R6 MN Health and Safety Manual


Muna Noor Manufacturing and Trading

Health Safety and Environment Manual

Drafted By;

Braden Hern, HSE Manager

Reviewed By

Approved By:

Jamal Jauher

AGM Operations

Ahmed Al Barwani





Page No.

1                       1.1




HSE Documents



HSE Policy



Goals and Objectives



Organizational Health and Safety Responsibilities



Health and Safety Performance Targets



Health and Safety Management Team



Health and Safety Training



Emergency Preparedness



Emergency Response Plan



Fire Fighting Systems and Prevention



Medical Emergency



Environmental Controls



Chemicals and Safety Data Sheets



Incident Investigation, Reporting and Recording



Proactive HSE Measures



HSE Communication



Personal Protective Equipment



Infrastructure and Work Environment


Chapter 1: Scope of the Health and Safety Manual

1.1: Health and Safety Manual Scope

The Health and Safety Manual outlines company operations to reduce the risk of injury and limit potential damage and harm to any of our staff members, areas in which we operate or those affected by our products or operations.   These interested parties include but are not limited to:

  1. Muna Noor Manufacturing and Trading (MNMT)
  2. Muna Noor Plastic Industries (MNPI)
  3. Muna Noor employees working on external properties
  4. Muna Noor employees working on company property
  5. Site Visitors and Guests
  6. Muna Noor Contractors working on company property
  7. Customers and vendors who distribute and support our products

1.2 Health and Safety Manual Review, Associated Documents.

The Muna Noor HSE Manual will be reviewed and updated annually, even if no changes are required to be made to the manual.  This will ensure that the document is reviewed frequently, and minor changes can be made.  This review will ensure the document stays relevant and reflects the current HSE practices in the organization.  The current version and issue date will be displayed on the Manual.  All documents that are referenced in this manual are managed by a master document list:

  1. MN.HSM.121 HSM Documents

Chapter 2:  Health and Safety Policy 

2.1: Muna Noor Health and Safety Policy

The Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Policy of the Muna Noor Group is to protect the health and safety of our employees, the communities in which we operate and the users of our products.  We aim to meet all of the relevant legal requirements.  

Our goal is zero injuries, to be achieved by building a positive safety culture in our company in which we believe all accidents are preventable.

Braden Hern, HSE Manager

Ahmed Al Barwani, CEO

2.2  Goals and Objectives:

The Muna Noor Group objective is to achieve the targets in the Health and Safety Policy by the following measures:

Ensure Safe Company Operations and Maintenance

  1. Complete risk assessments of workplace processes
  2. Develop safe operation procedures for company equipment
  3. Clear procedures for making equipment safe prior to, during and after maintenance work
  4. Training for all employees on company policies and procedures
  5. Regular review of operating instructions
  6. Set high standards for cleanliness and housekeeping

Make HSE Roles and responsibilities clear for all employees 

  1. Muna Noor Group
  1. General Management
  2. Health and Safety Staff
  3. Middle Management and Supervisors
  4. All other employees and contractors

Provide and Maintain HSE Facilities and an Emergency Response Plan

  1. Install and maintain the required fire alarms and firefighting equipment
  2. Provide adequate First Aiders and first aid boxes, 
  3. Post Emergency Evacuation and Response plan
  4. Conduct Fire Drills and training on fire fighting equipment
  5. Clear management notification procedure for incidents
  6. Provide and maintain employee welfare facilities 

Seek for continuous improvement

  1. Inspections to monitor compliance with safe operation procedures, PPE and housekeeping
  2. Reports with corrective action
  3. Measure, record, investigate and report all accidents, incidents and near-misses.
  4. Ensure that information on HSE policy, performance and improvement initiatives to all staff are communicated clearly.
  5. Provide regular forums for discussion of HSE matters involving all staff
  6. HSE objectives and target objectives of all personal as part of annual appraisal process
  7. Provide incentives for employees 

Ensure safe management of change

  1. Any company material or operational change must undergo a risk assessment 
  2. Operation procedures must be updated and training in the new procedure provided to all staff
  3. Accurate records document old and current systems

2.3 Muna Noor Group Organizational Health and Safety Responsibilities

The below details outline the organizational responsibilities targeted in the Health and Safety Policy.

The Employer: Responsible for ensuring that the workplace is safe and free of health risk:

  1. To provide workplace, work equipment, work methods which are safe and no risk to health
  2. Provide appropriate instruction and training
  3. Provide Health and Safety arrangements adapted to suit the size and nature of work
  4. Provide any necessary personal protective clothing and equipment
  5. Ensure hours of work do not adversely affect employees Health and Safety
  6. Remove any extreme physical and mental fatigue

General Management: Responsible for determining HSE strategy and priorities, demonstrates clear commitment and leadership in regards to Health and Safety

  1. Ensure Health and Safety policy in place
  2. Adequate resources are allocated to implement Health and Safety Management system
  3. Organizational structure with clear roles and responsibilities are in place
  4. Senior manager is appointed with specific responsibility for health and safety
  5. Health and Safety performance is reviewed on regular basis to ensure objectives are being achieved

Health and Safety Specialists: Responsible for providing guidance and advice so the organization can meet its legal obligations and achieve its Health and Safety Policy aims

  1. Providing advice and guidance on health and safety standards
  2. Promote positive health and safety culture
  3. Advising management on accident prevention
  4. Developing and implementing policy
  5. Overseeing the development of adequate risk assessments
  6. Identify and implement training
  7. Monitor health and safety performance
  8. Oversee accident reporting and incidents

Middle management and Supervisors:  Responsible for the Health and Safety associated with day-to-day operations and are responsible for:

  1. Staff that work directly below them
  2. Staff lower down on organizational chart
  3. The areas and activated directly under their control

Workers: Have a responsibility to take reasonable care of their own safety and that of other people who are affected by the things they do.

  1. Comply with safety instruction and procedures
  2. Use all safety equipment properly and not tamper with it
  3. Report any situation which they believe could be a hazard 
  4. Report any work related accident or ill-health event`

Chapter 3:  Health and Safety Performance Targets

Ultimately the company’s goal is to have zero injuries or cases of ill health and strives to be an industry leader in Health and Safety.   Muna Noor will work hard to enforce strict standards and guidelines to meet this goal.  We will continually work to improve and set new short- and long-term targets and goals.  

Details on the Annual and Monthly Performance Targets can be found in the following procedure:

  1. MN-HSP-310 HSE Performance Targets

Chapter 4: Health and Safety Management Team

The Health and Safety Management Team is responsible for achieving the targets identified in the Health and Safety Policy, they achieve this by implementing the tasks laid out in safety tours, identifying hazards and working to improve the overall Health and Safety Culture of Muna Noor.  They have been identified as influential members of each Muna Noor facility and have the required knowledge to identify hazards, are aware of normal operating procedures and the have the means of implementing change.  They are also leaders in their respective departments and are responsible to disseminating HSE related information across their departments.

  1. MN.HSD.410 HSE Management Team

Chapter 5: Health and Safety Training

Training and communication is essential to improve health and safety performance and culture.  Training is one method used to achieve the targets laid out in the Health and Safety Policy.  Muna Noor will make all efforts to provide the necessary training for staff members to do their jobs in the most efficient and safe manner, multiple forms of training are in place through the Health and Safety Department.  

All details on the HSE Training Program are detailed in the Muna Noor Health and Safety Training Plan.  

  1. MN-HSP-510 HSE Training Plan

Chapter 6:  Emergency Preparedness 

In the event of an emergency proper resources and facilities are in place to ensure employees have the materials and skills to resolve and appropriately act in these scenarios.   All emergency trainings are documented in 

  1. MN-HSP-510 HSE Training Plan

6.1:  Emergency Response Plan

An emergency response plan shall be posted in all employee common areas and offices throughout Muna Noor indicating the first steps to be taken in an emergency.  It will also include local emergency contact numbers for the Civil Defense, ROP, and Local Hospitals as well as members of management to be notified in an event of emergency.  This document is customized for each Muna Noor location based on the employees and facilities at that location.  This document will be kept up to date and modified as resources change.  This document will have the following document names dependent on the sites physical location:

Corporate Office

MN-HSD-611 C.O. Emergency Response Plan

PE Plant, Road 4d Rusayl

MN-HSD-612 PE Emergency Response Plan

PVC Plant, Road 7 Rusayl

MN-HSD-613 PVC Emergency Response Plan

Molding Factory, Road 14 Rusayl

MN-HSD-614 Molding Emergency Response Plan

MNPI, Sohar

MN-HSD-615 MNPI Emergency Response Plan

Ghala Warehouse

MN-HSE-616 Ghala Emergency Response Plan

Sohar Showroom

MN-HSD-617.1 Sohar Emergency Response Plan

Barka Showroom

MN-HSD-617.2 Barka Emergency Response Plan

Nizwa Showroom

MN-HSD-617.3 Nizwa Emergency Response Plan

Salalah Showroom and Warehouse

MN-HSD-617.4 Salalah Emergency Response Plan


6.2 Fire Fighting Systems and Prevention

Fire and Fire related emergencies have the potential to cause catastrophic loss to both property and life, therefore Muna Noor has extensive resources in place to limit the occurrence of fires, and in the event a fire occurs the tools required are available, and staff are trained on how to use those tools.   

Company policy on fighting fires is that no staff member should endanger their life to fight a fire.  

  1. MN.HSP.620 Fire Fighting and Prevention

All Muna Noor facilities hold a valid certificate from the Oman Civil Defense, Civil Defense inspections take place every 2 years.  Muna Noor makes all efforts to comply with local government regulation.  A copy of the valid certificate is posted at each Muna Noor location, and the status of each certificate is kept in the following document:  Originals are kept and managed by the HR/Admin Dept.

  1. MN.HSP.621 Civil Defense Status

6.3  Medical Emergency

Muna Noor will ensure that resources are made available to staff which require medical attention, regardless of how serious the injury.  This is accomplished by ensuring first aid boxes with enough resources are supplied throughout the organization and trained staff are available to administer first aid.  These provisions are managed under:

  1. MN.HSP.630 First Aid and Medical Provisions

Chapter 7: Environmental Controls

Muna Noor shall comply with Local Environment regulations, and work to limits the adverse effects on the environment.  Under current production parameters; Muna Noor does not discharge any waste materials.

  1. All Production Raw materials are recycled and reused in future production
  2. Water used during production is reused in a closed loop system.
  3. Muna Noor uses electricity from the PAEW, and does not discharge any fossil fuels in its production activities.  Muna Noor is constantly looking for ways to reduce its power consumption.

Muna Noor holds all required certifications from the Ministry of Environment; these records are kept and managed by the HR Department.

Muna Noor management shall ensure proper disposal of waste as per the requirement of the law of the Sultanate of Oman. Good housekeeping standard shall be maintained. Adequate maintenance of plant / equipment to avoid leakages of oil / diesel. Spill / leak containment of stored chemicals / liquid substances.

7.1  Safety Data Sheets (SDS, MSDS)

The HSE department will keep records of all chemicals used on site, for any manufacturing, testing, or maintenance activity.  These records will include Safety Data Sheets for the chemicals and the HSE dept will ensure these materials are used and stored in a manner that is reflected in the SDS.

  1. MN.HSR.711 Chemical and Raw Material List

Chapter 8: Incident Investigation, Reporting and Recording

Investigation, Recording and documenting Injuries and incidents is reactive measure and is used to monitor and improve health and safety performance.  Muna Noor has a comprehensive system for defining, investigating, recording and reporting of injuries.  Accident investigations, recording and reporting of accidents at Muna Noor is documented in the following procedure.

  1. MN.HSP.810 Incident Investigation, Reporting and Recording

Chapter 9: Proactive Health and Safety Efforts

In addition to reactive Health and Safety Efforts, Muna Noor works hard to encourage Proactive measures to improve HSE performance throughout the company.  In addition to HSE trainings, a number of efforts are in place to identify hazards before an injury occurs.  The proactive Health and safety efforts are outlined in:

  1. MN.HSP.900 Proactive HSE Efforts

This procedure outlines a number of programs to identify and reward safe behavior, identifying safe systems of work, unsafe acts and conditions.  A few of the programs outlined in the procedure include:

  1. Safety Tours
  2. HSE Employee of the Month
  3. HSE Suggestion and Near Miss Box
  4. Permit to Work
  5. Risk Assessments
  6. Safe Work Instructions
  7. Life Saving Rules
  8. Employee Welfare Facilities

Chapter 10: HSE Communications

The HSE Department will work to communicate all relevant information to all Muna Noor staff through the use of monthly HSE reports and information derived from safety tours, toolbox meetings, training sessions and meetings with top management.  Primary HSE information will be posted on HSE Notice Boards at each manufacturing facility.

Records and reports generated by the HSE department are available to all staff as needed.  Muna Noor will work to ensure an open communication stream between the HSE department and all staff members, and encourages safe and open communication in an effort to encourage hazardous reporting from its staff members.  Any document outlined in this Manual is available for all Muna Noor Staff, and the HSE dept encourages feedback from all staff on Health and Safety performance throughout the organization.

Chapter 11: Personal Protective Equipment

Muna Noor facilities are a manufacturing company operating generation assets designed and constructed in compliance with all the relevant European and Oman health and safety legislative requirements. Our facilities are considered to be “safe by design”.  It is prudent however to expect the inadvertent exposure to some of these inherent risks during normal day to day operations and maintenance activities and it is for this reason that PPE is required when working on site.  Rules and regulations on PPE and its use are outlined in the following document.

  1. MN.HSP.1100 PPE

Chapter 12:  Infrastructure and Work Environment

The Health and Safety Department has a role in ensuring that the building, equipment, tools are fit for purpose and in good working order.  These provisions include ensuring that lifting equipment is inspected and certified, noise levels are monitored, sufficient light is present, employees have a space to rest and take lunch, sufficient clean drinking water ect.  These provisions and the maintenance of these are outlined in document:

  1. MN.HSD.1200 Infrastructure and Work Environment

Chapter 13:  Staff Accommodation Facilities:

Employees may choose to stay in company provided housing facilities during their employment at Muna Noor.  The Health and Safety dept has a role in ensuring these facilities are safe to reside in.  Employees are not “at work” while residing inside of these facilities, he or she is on company property and Muna Noor is ultimately responsible for their care and wellbeing.  Full details on the arrangements made by the HSE dept for the staff accommodation are detailed in: 

  1. MN.HSD.1300 Muna Noor Staff Accommodation

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