F&A_MN_PR_CRPR_082619_001 (Circulation Process)

F&A_MN_PR_CRPR_082619_001 (Circulation Process)

Dear All,


Useful: For all MN Group Employees


As you all know that we are working in SAP now for last 5 months now and there are differences in how we do things in SAP that we used to do it in old system (AccPac).

With new system there are bound to be changes in the existing processes both on ground and how we use the ERP going forward.


It may not be every time that we know what the best policy/process is.

Sometimes we make the change and then realize that there are better ways to handle it while some other times we know what the best way is but are bound to use a second option owing to ERP restrictions.

Which suggests “improvement is continuous, it’s not an event but a process”


There are mails going around with issues which are highlighted from time to time and there was a need felt to put this in a more structured mechanism which at some later stage can form part of a process dossier at MN HO level.


Henceforth any mail coming from MunaNoor F&A will be given a counter number to track the same in future for any changes or revisions provided it results in following.


  • New or change in existing Policy
  • New or change in existing Process (Manual/SAP/Accounting/Payment/Down Payment Request/ Credit Control/ Documentation etc)
  • Highlighting System Discipline Issues
  • Any Other Areas


Important Points:


  • These mails will be circulated to Dept Heads who will then be responsible to pass it down to all their team members.
  • We will try and mention at the start of mail itself the people who would be responsible for or affected by the changes.
  • However, we recommend everyone to read the same.
  • In case if you want anyone to be included in the circulation please let us know.


Indicative subject Lines for Example


F&A_MN_PL_CN_082019_001 – Customer Credit Note (Policy)

F&A_MN_PR_SI_082019_002 – Supplier Invoices (Process)

F&A_MN_SDPL_TD_082019_003 – New Customer Trade Debtors Mapping (System Discipline)


Thanks & Regards

Piyush Agarwal