F&A_MN_PR_CI_28082019_002 (Customer Invoice Release)

F&A_MN_PR_CI_28082019_002 (Customer Invoice Release)

Useful: For all those who are releasing Invoices


Dear All,


We have observed that there are cases where the customer invoice generation dates are different and the posting dates are different for the same invoice.

This happens when people who are releasing the invoices are doing manually changing the posting dates in the ERP.


Going forward please do not change the posting dates of invoices manually.

If the posting dates are change manually these result in:


  • Mismatch of the month wise cost booking – Since the cost gets booked based on outbound delivery and in the month when the outbound was done/released where as if the invoice posting date is changed manually it may get booked in a different month resulting in the mismatch of Sales and cost on monthly basis.
  • Further, the invoicing report generated by SAP is based on Invoicing date and not on posting date where as in Financials the accounting entry happens on the posting date resulting in the mismatch of sales numbers as per Financials and as per SAP reports.


We expect you to take care in the future of these points.


Kindly circulate this to all your team members higher the circulation better would be the implementation.


Thanks & Regards

Piyush Agarwal

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