F&A_MN_PR_CCFR_28082019_003 (Customer Collection Forecast and Reporting)

F&A_MN_PR_CCFR_28082019_003 (Customer Collection Forecast and Reporting)

Useful: For the Management team/CCD/F&A/Sales


Dear All,


It is observed that there are certain inconsistencies in the way we report our collection which sometimes result in reporting the same collection in two months or reported twice.

Following guidelines to be followed for reporting the collection on daily basis from now on:


All collections to be reported in the month on which they are collected.

  • PDC collected of a future date to be reported in the month in which the physical check is collected.
  • If a CDC collected in the month with a request by customer to deposit on a future date. It should be considered as a PDC and check date to be updated as requested date by customer.
  • LC collection to be reported in the month of actual credit
  • Any collection reported in any previous month should not be reported again. Once this process stabilizes there will be a change in this.


Collection Forecast and actual collection tracking mechanism

  • Customer wise weekly collection forecast for the next month to be finalized by CCD on the last Thursday of every month.
  • Collection forecast to be submitted to Sales head for his review/information and feedback with CC to DCEO and FC.
  • This collection forecast to be discussed in very next collection meeting and finalized. Not to be changed further in the month.
  • Actual collection to be tracked against the forecast and progress to be discussed in weekly meetings.


Up dation of actual collection

  • On daily basis collection report should be updated in collection tab in G Drive
  • Entity/Customer Code and other details should be correct so that actual collection goes and sits against the correct customer in the forecast sheet.
  • The updation into forecast sheet is completely automatic provided the data entry in correct.
  • Update on visits to be done in the forecast sheet in few words to demonstrate the progress on the forecasted party.
  • Summary sheet also will automatically be updated based on the inputs in collection tab.
  • Cum FTM to be copy pasted values in the up to previous day (Manually) before updating the next day collection to properly capture For The Day (FTD) collection.


Expecting everyone to follow this immediately. In case of any issues or queries please contact the undersigned.


Thanks & Regards

Piyush Agarwal