027_F&A_MN_PR_CI_26042020 (Bank Details Customer Invoicing)

027_F&A_MN_PR_CI_26042020 (Bank Details Customer Invoicing)

Useful For: All Sales/CCD/F&A


Dear All,


It is being observed that clients are transferring money in accounts other than the currency in which the Invoices are raised. For Eg AED and USD payments are received in OMR Account.

We have fixed rates with banks and we loose in forex if the money is not transferred in the designated accounts.

We also understand that communicating this with clients on each occasion might become a difficult task.


Also MNMT bank Account was appearing in the invoices of MNPI resulting in incorrect transfers.


We have now included currency wise banks and account numbers in our system invoices which might help in addressing this issue to and extent if not completely.

We have also correct the bank account number for MNPI Invoices.


Attached are samples for your reference.


Cc Hamed Harthy: Thanks for making these changes.

Cc VT: If possible please include the same table at Sale Quote level.


Thanks & Regards,


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