023_F&A_MN_PR_SI_19032020 (Supplier Documents Trail)

023_F&A_MN_PR_SI_19032020 (Supplier Documents Trail)

Useful: For all across MunaNoor


Dear All,


It is being observed time and again that the PO’s are in the name of MNPI while the Invoices are received in the name of MNMT while the services are received by MNPI and in some cases vice versa.

We have been telling this time and again and till we were accepting such cases for accounting.


Recently we have completed the Tax Assessment of 2014 to 2016 where is there was an adhoc disallowance done by the Taxation Authorities for all such cases in both the companies and also in MNSL.

This also creates lot of confusion in proper accounting and monitoring of the expenses and MIS reporting to HO.


Please note going forward PO and Supplier Invoices should be in the name of the company which is taking the services.

This is obvious and we expect everyone to follow the same.


With immediate effect any such inconsistency in the documentation will not be accepted in F&A and would be returned to the concerned for rectification.


Please circulate to all the concerned so that corrective course of action is taken in advance to avoid blockage of processing at F&A.


Thanks & Regards,



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