022_F&A_MN_PR_CI_03032020 (Auto Customer Invoicing)

022_F&A_MN_PR_CI_03032020 (Auto Customer Invoicing)

Dear All,


Considering our interactions with various clients it is understood to be better customer invoice can go along with the DO.

We did get in touch with SAP team to address this issue such that Invoice is generated immediately on DO release but such a functionality is not currently possible in the standard package.


However, we are now changing the configuration in system such that Invoicing runs happens 24x7 every hour i.e. 6PM,7PM,8PM,9PM and so on

While we understand that this will not address the issue completely but should surely help a lot to bring it down.


It is now expected that every time when the DO is released Logistics should also check the system and if the invoice is already generated based on the above timelines send the print of same along with the DO copy.


  • This will save lot of time in actual delivery of invoice
  • Probably save in transportation cost which is incurred for delivering the invoice.
  • To an extent ease the pressure on cash flow cycle which gets delayed due to delay in invoice delivery.


Please note following:

  • Exclusion like Cash Parties/Ministry parties from this auto invoicing will continue same as before.
  • This is only to ease out the process of submitting invoice along with DO wherever required. All other cases will continue to be dealt as before.


In case if you have any queries please contact CCD team.


Thanks & Regards,
