021_F&A_MN_PR_CCD_22022020 (Sales Order - Payment terms capturing and customer ageing)

021_F&A_MN_PR_CCD_22022020 (Sales Order - Payment terms capturing and customer ageing)

Dear All,


There always seems to be a confusion with respect to payment terms between F&A and Sales.

We have tried to address the same at multiple times at one go but it does not seem to be working.


In order to address the above following modality will be adopted with immediate effect step by step (Also shown in the attached Flow chart):


  • For every customer there is customer master which has a payment term attached to it, based on the Credit application submitted (assuming this is right).
  • Every time while a Sales Order is created this payment term automatically populates in the SO. However, there is an option to change this, if a different payment term is agreed with the client for that particular SO. The screenshot is given below.
  • If the payment terms are better than the default payment terms as per the master. Sales coordinators can approve the same.
  • If the payment terms are worse than as per the master records than Sales  coordinator should send back the SO to sales executives who need to do one of the two:
    1. Get the exception approval on the Client PO by Sales Head and Finance Head as one-off case.
    2. Submit a newly revised credit change form if this is going to be a regular feature.
  • After necessary approval SO can be resubmitted with the approvals, Sales Coordinators can approve the SO in the system for further processing.


Points to be noted by the Sales Coordinators:

  • To check each SO for the payment terms deviation from the customer Master.
  • In case of any deviation from the master to reject the SO (if worse than customer master) and ensure that necessary approvals are taken.
  • Ensure that the payment terms in the SO are matching with Client PO.


Immediate Benefits:

  • This will give proper aging for each Invoice related to that SO, separate from the customer master data. Thus providing more accurate data of customer aging.
  • Also if this is an LC order there may be a possibility of capturing SO and the payment terms in the customer aging thus giving breakup of LC related invoices as well.


This needs to be adopted with immediate effect.

In case of any queries please get in touch with us.




Thanks & Regards,



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