020_F&A_MN_PL_CCD_12022020 (New Credit Application and Enhancement)

020_F&A_MN_PL_CCD_12022020 (New Credit Application and Enhancement)

Dear All,


Further to feedback from sales and CCD there are few changes which are incorporated in Credit application forms.

Attached are the revised application for your ready reference and immediate usage.


Thanks & Regards,


Useful: For all Sales/CCD/F&A/Anyone wanting to register a new client

 Dear All,

 We currently have a New Account opening form/credit application and credit enhancement form which is being used for long.

Owing to current business dynamics it was being felt to shorten it such that it is easy for the customer while covering all details and the information which are required related to the client.

 We are glad to inform that we have been able to do that and the new format are attached.

Explained as follows:

MNMT/MNPI New Credit Application Form

  • To be used for any new account opening related to the client whether cash/advance/credit /LC etc. i.e. irrespective of the payment terms.
  • Fields marked in * are mandatory
  • Remarks should be qualitative and value addition over and above the details already filled in.

MNMT/MNPI Credit Change Form

  • To be used for any credit change for an existing customer whether credit limit/payment terms or otherwise.
  • Necessary details with respect to potential exposures with respect to request client to be captured.
  • Note that wherever multiple accounts are having OS in SAP for a single client like (Galfar/OSCO) to be consolidated and shown unless these are two different entities.
  • Fields marked in * are mandatory
  • Remarks should be qualitative and value addition over and above the details already filled in.

For any further details, you may please get in touch with Saji/Linju/Piyush.

Points to be Noted:

  • Revised forms to be started using with immediate effect.
  • Forms to be used for each company separately as both are separate legal entities and subject to separate audits.

 Please circulate to all the concerned.

Feedback is always welcome and will be considered for changes in the form if required.

Also based on our experience forms will be considered for revision after a period of time.


Thanks & Regards,
