018_F&A_MN_PR_CI_02022020 (Tracing Export Sales)

018_F&A_MN_PR_CI_02022020 (Tracing Export Sales)

Useful: For all Sales/CCD and F&A

Dear All,

From long a need was felt to trace Export Sales. Finally, we found the mechanism to do that.

All export sales will now be recorded under the specific GL “400001 – Export Sales”.

However, please note the following:

  • Export or Local Sales will be decided by SAP based on customer. It will not change from one order to another for the same customer.
  • In order to ensure that export sales are captured correctly all such customers should be tagged as “Trade Debtors Foreign”
  • Export sales are the sales which are taking place outside Oman for eg: Dubai/Yemen/Africa etc irrespective of the transaction currency.

Please circulate the message to all the concerned and let us know in case if there are any issues.

Cc Sales Team: Please go through your clients and check if any client has to be changed from Trade Debtors Local to Foreign and get in touch with Saji/Linju accordingly.

Cc CCD Team: Please note if a customer is out of Oman only qualifies for Trade Debtors Foreign.


Thanks & Regards,
